Historical Art
Literal meaning: The literal meaning of this image is showing the Soviet Union under fire and killed by the Germans.
Hidden meaning: The hidden meaning of this image is The Russians can't hold back the Germans Blitzkrieg.
How does it make me feel: This image makes me feel for every man that died in WW2 and how gruesome the front line actually is. This is no game. This is real.
The social, historical or cultural context of the image : The image is set in Russia.
Literal meaning: The literal meaning of this image is about the 4 legendary horsemen of the apocalypse showing their presence. War, Famine, Pestilence and Death.
Hidden meaning: The hidden meaning of this image is about the horsemen being summoned to earth by a vision of the Christians belief of Judgement.
How does it make me feel: This image makes me feel cold as It is an end of the world Judgement
The social, historical or cultural context of the image : The historical culture of this image is that the Christian apocalyptic vision that the four horsemen are to set a divine apocalypse upon the world as harbingers of the Last Judgment.
Literal meaning: A painting of The Battle of Thermopylae showing the Greek warriors being impaled.
Hidden meaning: An image showing a lot of pain as the brave warriors, usually shown as strong and powerful are shown at their weakest as arrows rain down on them.
How does this make me feel: This image makes me feel sad, and have a type of respect for the warriors lives. Warriors fighting for their king having been trained to have no fear and fight to the death. Yet when confronted with it, they seem scared and alone, yet still showing they have fought to the death.
The social, historical or cultural context of the image: A painting of Greek fighters falling against the Persians in the battle of Thermopylae.
Literal meaning: A western man hides beneath the rocks, as he is being hunted by the native Indians.
Hidden meaning: A painting which seems to show how a westerner is trespassing or threatening the native Indian way of life, and is now in hiding as they don’t wish for the change of lifestyle he brings to their culture.
How does this make me feel: This painting possibly is to try and show how the western man is scared for his life. However i feel pain and sorrow for the natives, for they do not wish for western changes as they have their own way of life on the land and are happy where westerners are trying to push them to move forward with the times which is sad.
The social, historical or cultural context of the image: This shows all 3 of these contexts. The two cultures clashing is the main point in the image, as the all powerful westerner is now the one hiding.
Hidden meaning: seemingly set in medieval times, by the look of the way her dress is made. She may be a type of princess wishing to escape and feeling trapped, and enjoying her few moments of peace to herself.
How does this make me feel: This makes me feel sympathy as she is probably told what she can and cant do, and she just wishes to be as free as the running water as she is sitting perched near a pond.
The social, historical or cultural context of the image: around the medieval times, woman didn’t have much freedom, and she longs for it.
Literal meaning: Gunshot fire from men in battle in the middle of a quiet forest.
Hidden meaning: Showing how man can disrupt and ruin the quietest and most beautiful nature with evolution of guns and violence where once they cared about the land.
How does this make me feel: this makes me feel aggression because of the angry gunfire and smoke coming out of the guns, there is a battle ongoing. Also aggression because of the quiet woodlands and peaceful sunshine is disrupted.
The social, historical or cultural context of the image: A painting of the 77th regiment and bushy run.
Literal meaning: two young Victorian girls bonding over arranging a vase of sunflowers.
Hidden meaning: The girls seemed trapped, as there is a nice scene of a sunny day outside, yet the blind is almost pulled down all the way as if the girls are not allowed outside to enjoy it. They have brought sunflowers inside the house, as a way to bring some sunshine into the house to make up for not being outside.
How does this make me feel: its quite a sweet and happy picture of two girls bonding over a pretty flower, however there is the hidden sadness that they are trapped and trying to make the best of the day inside.
The social, historical or cultural context of the image: How many Victorian girls were told what they could and couldn’t do, and were expected to stay inside much of the time.
Literal meaning: The literal meaning of this image is showing a Roman standing victoriously over a wounded soldier in a Colosseum.
Hidden meaning: The hidden meaning in this images shows the Roman looking up towards the crowd but most likely looking into the eyes of Caesar for his approval if his lust for blood shed was a entertaining.
How does this make me feel: This makes me very disgusting into thinking this was a hobby a sport in the Roman times that mens lives were just a game for peoples entertainment. Today people vomit over the sight of a cut open leg, but in Roman times it did not effect the crowd even if someone was sliced in half or even decapitated.
The social, historical or cultural context of the image: How the Colosseum battle would look like after victory. A Gladiator seeking approval or roar of cheers from the crowd chanting the victors name.
Literal meaning: The meaning of this image is explaining visually what the historians of medieval times expected Hell to look like.
Hidden meaning: The hidden meaning of this image is showing the Demon who may even be the Devil Satin eating women as most Historians believed he hated women.
How does this make you feel: This makes me feel very disturbed as to why medieval citizens had this idea in their heads that Satin hated women and eats them. Also the fact that he made women do chores and torture them kind of makes me feel like this was made up by a sexist man many years ago.
The social, historical or cultural context of the image: Women and men in hell being tortured and eaten by satin and his minions.
Literal meaning: In this image you can see an army retreating from a fire fire most likely from another battalion.
Hidden meaning: The hidden meaning in this image is set in America around the very early 1900s.
How does this make me feel: This image makes me have mixed emotions, its sad that war happens but I am so fascinated with 1900-1945 war eras because of the weapons used and designed. Each gun designed to kill and not jam in a fire fight.
The social, historical or cultural context of the image: America (Approx) 1911- 1925.
Literal meaning: A stencil
spray painting of a panda holding two hand guns in each paw.
Hidden meaning:
taking the cute, cuddly, and endangered panda bear, and placing two guns in its
paws. Conveying that its fighting back. Humans ruined its habitat and gave the
species a death sentence, and now the species is going to fight its own battles
by using human guns.
How does it make me
feel: it makes me laugh because of the way it was done. Its a simple two
colour stencil however the meaning and comedy behind it is powerful enough to
get the message across.
The social,
historical or cultural context in this image: The endangered panda that is
usually seen for charities in WWF campaigns as sweet and innocent has been role
reversed into a strong context.
Literal meaning:
big, bold and colourful graffiti on the side of a building or wall.
Hidden meaning:
the whole culture and surroundings of urban life is very monotone very basic
black, white, grey dull colors. Even though graffiti is seen as a nuisance,
this peice is a bold splash of colour contrasting to its surroundings. Making
it a joy and something to smile at.
How does it make me
feel: this makes me feel happy and want to smile as this art obviously shows
how someone wants to stand out from the crowd and inject some colour and life
into everyday dull living.
The social,
historical or cultural context in this image: the social context how
society has become dull and the same, and how a bit of colour needs to shine
through and make us all smile.
Literal meaning:
a spray painting on a wall of a man painting a superman sign on his chest.
Hidden meaning:
How all men are made to think they have to be big, strong, and act like
superman all the time. This man literally paints the sign on his chest to make
himself feel stronger to live up to the expectations people have of him.
How does it make me
feel: this makes me feel sympathy, because of the stereotypes all people
are given, and how people believe men can’t show feelings or be soft and have
to be a ‘superman’ all the time.
The historical,
social or cultural context of this image: in the social culture of today,
showing how men have to be ‘super’ on the outside, where on the inside its not
who they really are.
Literal meaning:
a simple black and white stencil of a public litter sign changed slightly.
Hidden meaning: using
an everyday sign and changing the words slighting. The meaning of dispose of
your ideas thoughtfully, making you think about the image. However meaning that
imagination is not something people have a lot of these days and its better
just to throw away any creativity or ideas you have because no one should stand
out, and everyone needs to stay in line and be the same.
How does it make me
feel: it makes me feel like i am following the stereotype of following the
everyday same routine type day. Where to really live life to the full any
ideas, or creativity you have you should do it and let people know. Break out
of the mould that everyone is in.
The historical,
social or cultural context of this image: how throughout history people
have fought for their rights to be there own person, yet in today’s society,
even though we have the freedom to think for ourselves we still follow the
crowd and any of our own thoughts are meant to be disposed of.
Literal meaning:
a sad lonely girl, probably an orphan, holding a balloon underneath the words
‘No Future’.
Hidden meaning:
how a child should be able to have fun and a childhood and although she is
pictured holding a balloon, the picture is very sad because unless a child is
in a loving home with people that care, they have no future. The words big and
red above her are daunting and as if she can’t escape from the truth.
How does it make me
feel: this makes me feel sorry for the girl in the picture. Although she is
just a symbol of every unwanted child in the world that has no future and no
one to give them a better life or anything to live for.
The social,
historical or cultural context of the image: how society doesn’t care, or
doesn’t know about all the poor children who have no future without anyone to
guide them.
Literal meaning:
a girl sitting on a stool looking straight at you with lots of X and O’s coming
from her head in tought.
Hidden meaning:
the girl having a scarf over her mouth as if shes quiet and being judged all
the time for bein unsocial and quiet and not given a chance. When really by all
the X and O’s as in thought all she wants its ‘hugs and kisses’ as those
symbols indicate.
How does it make me
feel: this makes me feel sad that people are prejudged by the way they
talk, and when you first see someone you immediately make judgements of them.
You don’t know the real person inside until you get to know them for yourself.
The social,
historical or cultural context of the image: how even though through
history woman have been given a voice to talk. Her mouth is coverd in a scarf
as if to say she still doesn’t feel she can really talk about what she wants or
how she feels.
Literal meaning:
a hand coming out of the drain/sewers underground as if grasping for anything
it can get hold of.
Hidden meaning:
how the underground sewers are seen as ‘death’ how they are full of dirt,
grime, faeces and the stench like death. Also symbolizing people rising from
the death or rising from the worst situations, always striving to get out of a
bad situation.
How does it make me
feel: this makes me laugh because it seems quite funny when you first look
at it to see a hand coming out of the ground like a zombie rising. However when
you think more about it, it brings about feelings of being trapped and trying
to get out.
The social,
historical or cultural context of the image: how today’s society are
struggling to get out of a rut they are stuck in and achieve their dreams. How
people feel swamped and reaching out for a hand to help them.
Literal meaning:
a man holding a camera crouching down to pull out a pretty flower from the
Hidden meaning:
How people are destroying nature and any living thing. This is a small picture
of how destroying one flower effects the whole scene because its taken every
precious or living thing away. The same as how a little tree cut down here and
there has made a loss to thousands of acres of forest and nature. How the
future and technology is expanding and pushing away any small sign of life.
How does it make me
feel: This picture makes me feel angry. How the camera man in this picture
is trying to ‘perfect his shot’ by destroying the only perfect thing in the
The social,
historical or cultural context of the image: todays culture seems to be all
about technology and perfection, when we cant see whats really perfect, in
front of us in which we don’t have to spend time to change.
Literal meaning:
a graffiti sign saying ‘designated graffiti area’ marking a certain place where
people are allowed to spray paint.
Hidden meaning:
How people always think that graffiti is a bad thing and a nuisance and how
people shouldn’t do it. However this sign shows how people want to stand up for
what they do and what they believe in because they don’t do it for bad reasons,
but to express themselves as a way of being creative.
How does it make me
feel: this makes me happy because people who do graffiti art are finally
standing up for the creative art form they do to express themselves to the
world. Making a special area just for them to freely create.
The social,
historical or cultural context of the image: a sign to society to prove
that people who do graffiti art are wanted and it is classed as a type of art
form and not just ruining public places.
Literal meaning: a picture of a chimpanzee with a sign over
him stating a funny slogan that ‘one day we’ll be in charge’
Hidden meaning: people trap chimpanzee’s and put them in
zoo’s for people to look at and laugh and jeer as an amusement thinking there
stupid and funny. Putting a twist on tales and films that chimps are smarter
than people think, and one day humans will push them too far and they will soon
be in charge and run the world, and they’ll be the ones laughing at us.
How does it make me feel: this image makes me laugh because
of how its a message about movies like planet of the apes and how the apes all
turn on the humans because of the way they were treated. Its quite sad in a way
because it does make you think about the way we treat animals because we think
we’re superior, but they arnt as stupid as we think.
The social, historical or cultural context of the image:
through history how we were supposedly evolved from apes to what we are now.
And how if we carry on treating chimps as we do now as an amusement, one day
they might evolve and they’ll be the ones laughing.
Literal meaning: a solider being stood up against a wall and
being checked over by a young girl in a pink dress.
Hidden meaning: Why should soldiers have all the power and
be able to push everyone around as if everyone is guilty. An innocent girl
painted in a pink dress is more innocent than a soldier who carries around
bombs and a gun and who kills people everyday.
How does it make me feel: Its quite amusing to see the role
reversal because its something you wouldn’t see in real life but it makes you
think that the point is true, the soldier is a person just like the girl and
they should be equally treated.
The social, historical or cultural context in the image: the
culture of wars, guns and violence is lightened by the humour and pink colour
in this image to try and lighten the subject and not make it so heavy going.
Literal meaning:
two men protesting have gotten into a fight and one is about to strike the
other with his sign.
Hidden meaning:
The protesters signs have got the signs for ‘love’ and ‘peace’ on them to show
that violence is not the answer. People should be protesting and joined
together in a fight towards love and peace rather than violence.
How does it make me
feel: this is a powerful image and makes me feel like people have lost
respect and lost sight of what really matters. People are always fighting all
the time and missing being peaceful with one another and loving and respecting
people rather than trying to fight all the time.
The social,
historical or cultural context in the image: This image shows how culture
today has lost whats really important. People are too involved in fights and
wars and violence. People should protest for love and peace rather than trying
to pick more fights.
Modern Art
Literal meaning: The meaning of this image is showing the appearance of a frog as an orange as well as its colour being orange.
Hidden meaning: The reason of the frog being orange was displaying its colour but in a art form. For example if a human had a cut and blood was squirting out the fruit form would be strawberries or strawberry juice.
how does it make me feel: The image makes me laugh on how the frog is casual carved in half. I just find this image funny and how he is half frog half fruit.
The social, historical or cultural context in the image: Don't honestly know
Literal meaning: The meaning of this image is showing the appearance of a frog as an orange as well as its colour being orange.
Hidden meaning: The reason of the frog being orange was displaying its colour but in a art form. For example if a human had a cut and blood was squirting out the fruit form would be strawberries or strawberry juice.
how does it make me feel: The image makes me laugh on how the frog is casual carved in half. I just find this image funny and how he is half frog half fruit.
The social, historical or cultural context in the image: Don't honestly know
Literal meaning: A stamp of the sign ‘Top secret’
with an urban twist of adding two graffiti style ‘s’ at either end.
Hidden meaning: Alot of people are so secretive in
todays society, and everything is ment to be kept a secret and people are not
supposed to know anything anymore. However the twist on this is to say ‘stop secrets’ as people need to start being
more truthful with one another.
How does this make me feel: this makes me feel proud because of
the play on words i like the way people think that there are too many secrets
and things shouldn’t been hidden all the time.
The historical, social or cultural
context of the image:
todays society is so wrapped up in itself and secrets and keeping things from
other people, that this image is a clever way of making people think.
Optical Illusion
Literal meaning: The meaning of this image is to cause an illusion of floating stairs in the London underground. Created at an angle at a 2D prospective making this illusion look 3D.
Hidden meaning: 2D graffiti stairs causing an illusion into thinking 3D Floating stairs to trick you.
how does it make me feel: It makes me smile how I spent a few minutes trying to work this image out on how it was done. First of all I thought it was Photoshop'd but the image is real.
The social, historical or cultural context in the image: Humorous and a great illusionist to pull such a technique to perfection. The image is confusing but can keep you smiling for periods of time.
Literal meaning: a maid cleaning up the streets of London brushing dirt under the wall
Hidden meaning: Seems like the meaning is trying to say push the dirt to one side or brush it under the mat.
how does it make me feel: Makes me laugh due to the illusion of the women holding back the paint for the dirt to go under.
The social, historical or cultural context in the image: Streets of London Chalk farm
Literal meaning: The meaning of this image is to see only one face which is an old women.
Hidden meaning: If you turn your head upside down you will see a princess
how does it make me feel: I was amazed how someone could create two kinds of pictures in one drawing! It is amazing
The social, historical or cultural context in the image: None
Literal meaning: The meaning of this image was a spoof of subways advertisements by replacing subway with zombie using the same logo and font style.
Hidden meaning: The hidden meaning in this is that subways phrase is "Eat Fresh" however this image replaces fresh with flesh.
how does it make me feel: This image made me laugh out loud due to the way it mocks subway completely. I find it funny and I even think subway themselves would find this humorous.
The social, historical or cultural context in the image: Urban art spoof of a fast food company "Subway"
Interactive Media
Literal meaning: The literal meaning in this image is showing a man shaking hands with a hand coming out the computer.
Hidden meaning: The hidden meaning is trying to say that technology is the new mans best friend.
how does it make me feel: Kind of confused but can kind of understand the situation
The social, historical or cultural context in the image: A friendly gesture made by both oppositions (A companionship)
Literal meaning: The image shows a man reaching out to the hologram.
Hidden meaning: I do not know what the hidden meaning in this image is.
how does it make me feel: Confused on why a man is reaching out to a hologram
The social, historical or cultural context in the image: Cultural heading towards what the future has in store for us or future plans
In this task Brief I was given a task to choose 40 images of historical, design, interactive media, advertising and modern art images and explain my mood on these images. I explain the literal meaning of the image and the hidden meaning on what the image could be about. I go into further detail on whether the image is in a cultural context or a historical source.
literal meaning: a 3D image painted on the floor of
what looks like a busy station. Showing demons crawling out of the ground.
Hidden meaning: A realistic 3D image showing a
gaping hole and evil looking demons crawling out as if from the underworld
makes you think about the evil in the world, and how even though you cant see
it, its still around you.
How does this make me feel: this image makes me awe struck
because even though its ment to be an image of evil, its so beautifully done
and so creative.
The historical, social or cultural
context of the image:
this image is historical from what people from throughout history imagine what
the underworld is ment to be like.
Literal meaning: a barcode image thats been changed
into a type of cage you find on a circus cart, with a leopard shown to have
broken out and running away.
Hidden meaning: The meaning behind this is that the
leopard is free. You cannot put a price on nature or wildlife because it is
ment to be free and not caged up, brought or traded.
How does this make me feel: this makes me feel relieved because
the leopard is free again and is not caged up to be sold or paid to see as the
barcode indicated.
The historical, social or cultural
context of the image:
the image shows how todays culture thinks if they have enough money they can
buy whatever they want. Even if that means trying to cage up wildlife and
nature which should be free to be enjoyed by everyone.
Literal meaning: two small boys fighting each other.
And in their shadows it shows two grown up soliders as the boys in the future.
Hidden meaning: How the way the boys are acting now,
may just be a small falling out or fight between friends, but their future
shadows cast behind them shows them as fighting enemy soliders.
How does it make me feel: this makes me feel sad because its
the truth that we see. So many children are becoming more and more violent, due
to war video games as well. They think its a game when they are young, but when
they grow into adults its real life.
The historical, social or cultural
meaning in the image:
how children are socially inable to play nicely together because of all the
violence they see around them all day everyday when they are growing up. They
think it is a totally normal thing to do.
Literal meaning: 4 of the ghosts from the game pac
man, painted largly and colourfully on a concrete wall.
Hidden meaning: Just a fun way to brighten up a dull
boring wall. Everyone knows these characters and it just puts a smile on your
face when you walk by and see it.
How does this make me feel: this puts a smile on my face and also
makes me want to play the game pac man. Even if it was a dull rainy day if you
looked up to see this image it would make you smile.
The historical, social or cultural
context of the image:
taking one of the most well known old fashioned video games, and putting a few
colourful characters on a wall brings people together and makes them smile, as im
sure as a society everyone has seen or heard of this game. Video games have become so popular it has taken its own art onto the street.
Optical Illusion
Literal meaning: The meaning of this image is to cause an illusion of floating stairs in the London underground. Created at an angle at a 2D prospective making this illusion look 3D.
Hidden meaning: 2D graffiti stairs causing an illusion into thinking 3D Floating stairs to trick you.
how does it make me feel: It makes me smile how I spent a few minutes trying to work this image out on how it was done. First of all I thought it was Photoshop'd but the image is real.
The social, historical or cultural context in the image: Humorous and a great illusionist to pull such a technique to perfection. The image is confusing but can keep you smiling for periods of time.
Literal meaning: a maid cleaning up the streets of London brushing dirt under the wall
Hidden meaning: Seems like the meaning is trying to say push the dirt to one side or brush it under the mat.
how does it make me feel: Makes me laugh due to the illusion of the women holding back the paint for the dirt to go under.
The social, historical or cultural context in the image: Streets of London Chalk farm
Literal meaning: The meaning of this image is to see only one face which is an old women.
Hidden meaning: If you turn your head upside down you will see a princess
how does it make me feel: I was amazed how someone could create two kinds of pictures in one drawing! It is amazing
The social, historical or cultural context in the image: None
Literal meaning: The meaning of this image was a spoof of subways advertisements by replacing subway with zombie using the same logo and font style.
Hidden meaning: The hidden meaning in this is that subways phrase is "Eat Fresh" however this image replaces fresh with flesh.
how does it make me feel: This image made me laugh out loud due to the way it mocks subway completely. I find it funny and I even think subway themselves would find this humorous.
The social, historical or cultural context in the image: Urban art spoof of a fast food company "Subway"
Hidden meaning: even though the lego parts are
small, you are not limited to anything and you can build as big as your
How does this make me feel: this makes me laugh because you can
hardly see the tiny lego man on the floor, but his shadow is huge because he is
lego he can be big things.
Historical, social or cultural
meanings in the image:
This is an advert for lego which is a worldwide cultural toy. Everyone in the
world must of played with lego and some point and everyone can relate.
Literal meaning: a man using his new binoculars and
the koala is so close its on his binoculars.
Hidden meaning: showing that these binoculars are so
powerful and makes things seem so close that it literally makes a koala your
looking at seem as if its sitting on your binoculars.
How does this make me feel: this makes me laugh because its as
if the koala is shocked that hes being viewed so up close, and the man seems
amazed at how well the binoculars work.
Historical, social or cultural meanins
in the image: this is
a cultural image because you use binoculars when you go on holiday to view
animals or scenery and to see different cultures to experience different things
and this product makes the best of your visit.
literal meaning: a shoe is lit up in the spotlight to
highlight that its the main feature, and its hovering off the ground.
Hidden meaning: that this shoe is so comfortable it
feels so light on your feet that the sole of your foot hardly feels like its
toutching the ground when you walk.
How does this make me feel: this makes me feel like i want to
try these shoes because the wording on the ad and also the way it makes you
think the shoe is so comfy its as if your walking on air.
Historical, social or cultural context
in the image: this
image shows social because you would wear these somewhere if you needed to
race, or if you were a sports person which is a social event.
Literal meaning: all the attention is placed on the
product, the iPod. However there are other busy things going on in the poster.
Hidden meaning: there is a bright colourful
background to capture your attention. And then a person is on the poster too,
but not much attention is given to her because she is totally blacked out.
However it is obvious that she is having fun listening to her iPod, which is
bold and white and stands out against the colour contrasts.
How does it make me feel: this makes me feel upbeat and happy,
and makes me want to get my iPod out and listen to some of my favourite songs.
Historical, social or cultural context in the
image: I would say the iPod is a cultural image because it is a global
sensation. Everyone knows the brand name, what it is, and almost Interactive Media
Literal meaning: The literal meaning in this image is showing a man shaking hands with a hand coming out the computer.
Hidden meaning: The hidden meaning is trying to say that technology is the new mans best friend.
how does it make me feel: Kind of confused but can kind of understand the situation
The social, historical or cultural context in the image: A friendly gesture made by both oppositions (A companionship)
Literal meaning: The image shows a man reaching out to the hologram.
Hidden meaning: I do not know what the hidden meaning in this image is.
how does it make me feel: Confused on why a man is reaching out to a hologram
The social, historical or cultural context in the image: Cultural heading towards what the future has in store for us or future plans
In this task Brief I was given a task to choose 40 images of historical, design, interactive media, advertising and modern art images and explain my mood on these images. I explain the literal meaning of the image and the hidden meaning on what the image could be about. I go into further detail on whether the image is in a cultural context or a historical source.